airline pretzel rankings

generously supported by ari airlines


  1. pretzels must be acquired through an airline
  2. pretzels must be distributed as a complimentary snack
  3. pretzels must be packaged in a small snack-sized bag

are you presently in possession of an airline pretzel that has yet to be listed?? please reach out to pretzelproposal [at] shen dot land!!


#8 - everything bagel pretzels

visually very appealing!!!!!!! the closest match to the quintessential mall pretzel that u might expect, with a darker lye bath-esque exterior and some lighter more golden bits around the edges. almost reminds me of toasted rye bread in its colouration.. there is also the same staleness apparent and round, stout form that i would expect from a good pretzel at bulk barn.. which is very ideal. when it comes to taste, however.. it is like they had a vague idea of what an everything bagel should represent when they started planning the formulations for this pretzel. and perhaps it tastes vaguely like an everything bagel. but like if u used a new toaster for the first time and went overboard on the time settings. u will be left with slightly weird almost chalky burnt toast aftertaste that is somehow kind of interesting enough to grab another pretzel to try and figure out. the salt on top adds absolutely nothing to the taste and it may perhaps not even be salt but a secret third thing. i had the entire bag and i am still confused as to what my opinions are. nonetheless!! i do appreciate that these were unlimited and the fact that ari got me 12 of these.. a pretzel is a pretzel is a pretzel and i have so much pretzel privilege to be in this pretzel position right now. note: this may be a ploy to get more people to ask for on-board drinks (it would work for me!!) or to be more curious about their food, its origins, and the fine line between exaggeration and false advertising (this worked for me)


#7 - krispy kernels

do appreciate the packaging.. somehow feels more canadian than the air canada one (see below) n transports you to a magical place. cannot say the same for the flavour, though.. salt distribution seems wholly spontaneous n perhaps up to one of those toddlers on mom tiktoks that have yet to fully develop their fine motor skills. you will be Very Aware of the sodium content after you get two whole chunks of salt in one go after four very uneventful bites. overall tastes like the pretzel i have come to know so i will give it that. shape n size also seems to differ widely.. both in thickness and height and everything in between. they seem to generally be wider than tall. which is not a vibe i particularly vibe with. a little too crunchy, as well.. not optimal for the tooth sinkability i favour. all in all. good for spontaneous risk taking adventurers. (not me.)


#6 - mini sticks

to start off, i would like to read from a profound message ari sent the group chat recently.. "what are pretzels if not just mini breadsticks".. reflect on this as i talk about these mini breadsticks. from swiss air btw. if you even care. i kind of fw the packaging and will not elaborate further at this time. biting into these is kind of crazy because you are Still Stupid and expecting pretzels. and in many ways these are.. (see above..) but also not really. the mouthfeel.. quite surreal. biting down into these is equally crumbly and soft in a way that feels like you are dreaming and biting into something but the sensation is slightly off and turns out maybe you are just biting your pillow in real life. what saves this is the rosemary!! and olive oil!! i am a sucker for both and the flavours really do shine in every stick. i'd say there is an adequate volume of product in each package, as well. overall a fan. but you probably would be a bigger fan of their chocolate.


#5 - rold gold

these should probably be the baseline for future rankings.. very much a Solid Reliable pretzel that you fondly recall from elementary school snackbox. the girl next door, if you will. but wait.. there's a twist.. even more than one.. unsure of the exact number but i was wholly satisfied with how many pretzels there were in the package. the Real Twist though.. these are the tiny version!! if you couldn't tell from the packaging. can't complain about the packaging.. they've been keeping the colours up and i am happy. but yes.. they really do shrink the pretzels down to a smaller scale. width proportionate to size is as i remember them to be and while making them more prone to breakage, also prove as a fun exercise in making fun shapes to arrange around a table or stick on your fingers as a makeshift ring. slightly stale and perfectly salted, as well — and as it should be. the very definition of sick and twisted (non derogatory)


#4 - air canada (official)

first off.. judging off appearance.. uninspired packaging.. i feel like i am about to smoke a cigarette under canada's new individual warning label regulations. except it's decidedly less cool and maybe like. a dollar store variant with some sort of dubious grammatical error somewhere. i personally find it awesome that it is very clearly nut free. shoutout to people with allergies. but not so cool that they are having a little sneaky moment and seemingly repackaging krispy kernels? what is the deal with that. i don't know what kind of sick mind games they are playing on me and/or if they are trying to get some sort of positive word association psychology going because because they are somehow better than the krispy kernels packaged ones.. a wee bit stale and i am a fan. proportions are more ideal. quality control put in place mayhaps. reminds me of the pretzels i'd ransack orléans épicerie for. so much so that they said "pretzels.. as ALWAYS." to me at checkout and i did not return for a few days. but in mini form. these give me a tinge of nostalgia and a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. twisted. but in a good way


#3 - savory snack mix

unfortunately. i am a FIEND for trying a bunch of things and having an assortment of little snack sized portions to choose and pick from. this has been my downfall and my upfall. with all of that in mind.. this will be a heavily biased review. but even if i hated fun and joy and the love of all things new.. this would still be very very good.. on merit of the mini pretzel twists alone.. they are so petite and tiny and i cannot find their waist. taste is exactly where i would want it to be. and a perfect accompanying piece to The Other snacks in this assortment!! did i mention there are more!! the garlic bread bites are like a slightly deyassified version of swiss airline’s mini sticks. it is fun how small they are also. and how they absolutely crumble and deflate in ur mouth. and then the rye bagel chips.. did u even know this was a thing.. they look like fucked up bologna. and they taste amazing. almost sour and salty, but in a good way.. which is a surprising thing for me to say. the ratio of each snack is so on point and the flavours all complement each other so well and the little coatings of goodness almost blend together in the bag and in each bite. i love digging and seeing what the bag has in store for me. or choosing my own destiny (eating the bread sticks first because they are objectively good but not the best out of the bunch).. the possibilities are endless.. and i am very happy.. i fw this illusion of free will and i fw it heavy!!!


#2 - twigz

does capitalism breed innovation?? all i know is that i sure am glad that porter has been giving air canada a run for their money with their free snacks and beer policies. because air canada is finally stepping it up!! and spoiler alert.. these pretzels are a real competing force of their own. note that i have not had porter pretzels yet.. but stay tuned for when that day comes.. re: packaging.. it is giving me 2015 vibes in an inexplicable way. summer by calvin harris just plays in my head when i see this little bag. and i am not complaining. taste is exactly what you would expect. except you don't expect it. me personally.. i expect it because i have had simply stellar pretzels and these feel like a slightly worse version of them. but that is saying a lot and i mean it as a compliment!! because those pretzels may just be my favourite airline pretzels of all time!! these ones especially leave you sitting with a little flavour seasoning treat on your fingers that you have to wash off (or lick off. better to do so when you are not on an airplane). also not vegan so my tummy hurts after a little bit after i eat these and i get to feel oh so brave for a lactose intolerant loser. other important details: same shape to eat as mentioned below. so fun and practical. no breakage or pre-crumblage ever observed with these. great volume of pretzels also. they do not skimp. and lastly. they make these in calgary. bless.


#1 - simply stellar

a befitting name.. i must say.. i am not typically a stickler for tradition but i do have opinions about pretzels that have been long held. and yet. consuming these little darlings have perhaps broadened my horizons for years to come. packaging does make me feel like i'm at whole foods and i'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. leaning towards the latter. but the taste. is like. so bizarre and good. kind of giving a classic mall pretzel if they were small and crunchy and a little more elevated. if they served this on a prix fixe menu it would be garnished with microgreens. but wait. have you seen the shape. i have always been a lover of the classic twist shape because you can bite off various sections to make different silly shapes. but they might be onto something. you are like. cocking your head to eat this and hinging your jaw into crazy positions to gnaw on this. it's so fun. biting a pretzel sideways was not on my bucket list but i feel like i had not truly lived until this very moment. simply stellar indeed